Terms And Conditions

Japan Karo Management Office (hereinafter "our company") has established the following terms of use (hereinafter "these terms") for providing "Japan Karo". These terms are the rules that apply to users and members when using Japan Karo. Please read these terms carefully to ensure a comfortable use of Japan Karo.

Article 1 (General Provisions)

This service is an online tool provision service operated by our company. These terms apply to all relationships between our company and all users of this service (hereinafter "users"). Users shall use the service upon agreeing to these terms. Our company may revise these terms in any of the following cases. In this case, our company will notify users of the revision of these terms, the content of the revision, and the effective date by posting the revision on our website, notifying users, or by other specified methods.

  • When the revision of these Terms is in the general interest of users
  • When the revision of these Terms does not violate the purpose of the contract related to these Terms and is reasonable in light of the necessity of the revision, the appropriateness of the content of the revision, and other circumstances related to the revision
In addition to the above cases, we may revise these Terms by notifying users of the revised content in advance by posting it on our website, notifying users, or by other specified methods, and if users use the Service after the notification without making any special request to us, they will be treated as having accepted the revised Terms.

Article 2 (Definitions)

The definitions of terms used in these Terms are as follows.

  • "This Service" refers to "Japan Karo", and the URL of the service is "http(s)://japankaro.com" and its subdomain URLs.
  • "User" refers to all people who use this Service.
  • "Member" refers to people who have registered as members of this Service.
  • "Member information" refers to all information registered by members, including email addresses and passwords.
  • "Personal information" is a general term for information that can identify an individual, such as address, name, occupation, and telephone number (including information that can be easily matched with other information and thereby identify an individual).

Article 3 (Membership Registration)

Those who wish to register as members of this service (hereinafter referred to as "registrants") must agree to these terms and conditions and apply for membership registration using the method specified by this service.
Those who apply for membership registration will become members from the time our company accepts their application and their membership registration is completed.
Our company may provide members with notices of contacts and other information via email. Please be aware of this in advance. Our company may not accept a membership registration application at its discretion if the applicant falls under any of the following items.

  • If the person who wishes to register applies for membership without following the method specified by our company
  • If the person who wishes to register is a person who has previously been expelled for violating these terms or other terms of use specified by our company
  • If we determine that the person who wishes to register has registered through fraudulent means
  • If the person who wishes to register has registered information other than their own
  • If we otherwise determine that the act is inappropriate

Article 4 (Withdrawal)

If a member wishes to withdraw from the service, the member must follow the withdrawal procedure specified by our company. When a member withdraws from the service, he/she will lose all of his/her rights to the service.

  • If a member falls under any of the following items, our company may force the member to withdraw at our discretion.
  • If it becomes clear that the member has registered without following the method specified by our company
  • If the member has violated these terms or other terms of use specified by our company
  • If inappropriate information is posted or the member information is false
  • If there is unauthorized use of the password
  • If there is any other case that our company determines to be inappropriate

Article 5 (Member Password Management)

Members are responsible for managing their passwords used to log in to the service.
Even if a password is leaked to a third party outside of this service and used illegally, the Company shall not be held responsible only if the unauthorized use is due to reasons attributable to the Member.
Members may not transfer or allow a third party to use the email address and password used when registering as a Member.
If a Member causes damage to the Company or this Service in violation of this article, the Member shall bear full responsibility.

Article 6 (Handling of Personal Information)

The purposes for which personal information obtained by our company is used are as follows.

  • To use for confirming inquiries and communicating responses
  • To collect user needs from the contents of inquiries, etc., and to improve this service and develop new functions
  • To deliver advertisements based on historical information and characteristic information, including cookie information
  • To communicate important notices such as maintenance of this service, update information, and changes to the terms of use
  • To identify and investigate users who have violated the terms of use of this service, etc., or who are attempting to use it for fraudulent purposes
  • To send information, introduce, or advertise other services provided by our company

We will establish personal information protection regulations, provide necessary and appropriate supervision to employees, and take necessary and appropriate organizational, physical, personal, and technical measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information and ensure the safe management of other personal information.
However, please understand that we cannot be held responsible for any damages, disputes, etc. caused by the user's intentional or negligent acts. Please also note that we will not compensate for information leakage caused by the settings or malfunction of the user's computer.

Article 7 (Prohibited Acts)

The Company prohibits Members from engaging in the following acts when using this Service. In the event of a violation, the Company may take necessary measures, such as suspending use, forcing the Member to withdraw from the Service, deleting posted information, and requesting compensation for damages.

  • Actions that violate these terms and conditions/li>
  • Acquiring a member account on behalf of a person whose member account has been suspended
  • Acts of possessing multiple member accounts for fraudulent purposes by one user or the same corporate domain
  • Acts that disrupt the operation and system of this service
  • Acts of intentionally not paying fees
  • Acts that violate laws and regulations
  • Any other actions that we deem inappropriate

Article 8 (Restrictions on Use)

If a user uses this system in a manner that differs from the normal expected use and causes a significant load on this service, we may issue a warning about the usage method and take corrective measures. In addition, if the problem is not resolved by warnings and corrections, we may restrict the use of this service.

Article 9 (Intellectual Property Rights)

The user agrees that we own all intellectual property rights related to the content provided by our company in this service (information that the user can view or download through this service). However, this does not apply if the intellectual property rights included were already owned by the user before using this service.

Article 10 (Non-guarantee)

1. Our company and the companies involved in the provision of this service do not guarantee the following items.

  • The use of this service will not cause any malfunction or damage to the user's PC.
  • The content will meet all of the user's specific purposes of use.
  • The service will be permanent.
  • We guarantee the reliability or effectiveness of the advertised companies and products.
  • The use of this service will meet the needs of the user.
  • The use of this service will not be interrupted or cause errors.
2. The non-warranty in the preceding paragraph does not apply if our company has acted intentionally or grossly negligently.

Article 11 (Disclaimer of Liability)

Except in cases of our company's intentional or gross negligence, our company will not be liable for the following:

  • Member or user's PC usage environment
  • Any actions or results of information obtained by the user from this service (including information described in this service, external information such as books introduced, and information on linked sites)
  • Disputes and claims for damages between users and third parties
  • Stored contents of data stored by our company
  • Disputes and damages for loss of data stored in this service or server operation stoppage

Article 12 (Limits on the amount of compensation)

Our company is obligated to compensate for damages caused to the user by the use of this service to the extent of direct damages. The scope of the liability for damages borne by the Company shall be limited to the amount of the fee for the Service received or to be received from the User for one year, regardless of the legal cause or name.

Article 13 (Force Majeure)

The Company shall not be liable to Members, Users, or other third parties for any failure or delay in performance of obligations under these Terms and Conditions that is caused directly or indirectly by natural disasters, floods, tsunamis, lightning, typhoons, storms, earthquakes, epidemics or other contagious diseases, war, threats of war, state of war, terrorism, rebellion, revolution, fire, explosion, shipwreck, blockade, riot, strike, factory closure or other labor dispute, riot, shortage or control of energy supply or raw materials, other laws or regulations by administrative guidance of government agencies, other statutory or government regulations, or other similar or non-similar circumstances beyond the Company's reasonable control.

Article 14 (Notice and Contact)

When a User contacts the Company, the User shall, as a general rule, use the form and email designated by the Company. We may not be able to accept notifications or contact from any contact address other than that listed on this service. Our company will contact users by posting on this service or by email to the user. However, we will not be held responsible for any disadvantages caused by users not providing accurate contact information.

Article 15 (Unpaid Fees)

If payment of the service fee is delayed for more than one month, we will contact you by email or post to remind you to pay. If we do not hear from you within seven days of the reminder, we may take necessary measures such as suspending your use, forcing you to cancel your membership, or deleting your posted information. If you have unpaid fees for multiple months, you will be required to pay and settle them in one lump sum.

Article 16 (Exclusion of Antisocial Forces)

1. Our company and the user represent and warrant that they do not currently fall under any of the following items, and that they will not fall under any of the following items in the future.

  • Not being a gang, a gang member, a person who has not been a gang member for five years, a gang associate member, a gang-related company, a corporate racketeer, a social activist, a special intelligence violent group, or any other person equivalent thereto (hereinafter referred to as a gang member, etc.).
  • Having a relationship deemed to give a gang member, etc. control over management.
  • Having a relationship deemed to give a gang member, etc. substantial involvement in management.
  • Having a relationship deemed to be an inappropriate use of a gang member, etc., for the purpose of obtaining wrongful benefits for oneself, one's company, or a third party, or for the purpose of causing damage to a third party.
  • Having a relationship deemed to be involved in providing funds, etc., or convenience to a gang member, etc.
  • An officer or a person substantially involved in management having a relationship that can be socially criticized with a gang member, etc.
2. Our company and users must not engage in any of the following acts, either by themselves or through a third party. Violent demands
Unreasonable demands beyond legal responsibility Threatening behavior or violence in relation to transactions Spreading rumors, using fraudulent means, or using force to damage the other party's credit or interfere with the other party's business Other acts equivalent to the preceding items
3. If the other party violates any of the items in the preceding two paragraphs, our company and the user may cause the other party to forfeit the benefit of the term or immediately terminate this contract without any notice or warning or other procedure.
4. Neither our company nor the user shall be obligated or liable for any damages suffered by the other party as a result of termination based on the preceding paragraph.

Article 17 (Governing Law)

The governing law of these terms and conditions shall be Japanese law.

Article 18 (Jurisdiction)

For any disputes arising between our company and members or users in relation to these terms and conditions, the court with jurisdiction over the defendant's head office location shall be the court of first instance with jurisdiction.